Madiun dish but has to be found in Bogor? How come? Yup, we found this “Warung Pecel” just because we wanted to avoid traffic Jammed just before enter Jl. Pajajaran, Bogor from Jakarta – Bogor, Tol-Gate.
According to the owner, Pak Pardi, It just new open couple months ago since from his observation Bogor has not “proper pecel taste”, so he wants to show Bogor & Jakarta people what the real Pecel is ……… Oh my! He is a successful “warung pecel” entrepreneur in Madiun, seems he sees some opportunity here in Bogor that may have many sundanese “makan place” around.
He run his “Warung Pecel” with his wives, and some relatives (it seems), in small but clean enough “baboo construction” footstall in front of one house in Jalan Bina Marga. Like the common house surrounding, the place is quiet convenience and has some spacious space for car parking in front so that you may reach this place easily.

The “main stage” is a large food display table just right after you enter the main stall, with “Ibu” sitting there surrounding with all pecel attribute, equip with their various side-dish that you may chose and ask them to grill a bit just to make it warmer. You may found “Tempe”, “gepuk”, “jeroan” and many more that may not be mention one by one.

The main dish it self is “Pecel Madiun” which is rice that placed on top of “rottan” dining plate on top of banana-leave, with several boilled vegetables with spicy peanut sauce. But unfortunately, the sauce has been modified to reduce “authentic spicy taste” and a bit sugar added to increase sweetness. This is the part that I do not like, the taste is less authentic rather than if you buy directly in Madiun, but the rest is perfect. They also has other side Dish like Rawon or some other authentic east java spicies, that we do not have opportunity to test it.
But in overall, this dish may be good to try out ………………..
Location : Jl Binamarga No 24 Bogor.
Phone : 0251 7 139 139
mobile : 0811 139 139
Hi Aris, I just passed through Bogor last Sunday on my way to Bandung ;) too bad I missed this Pecel Madium :P Thanks for sharing the Madium dish! Cheers ;)
Thanks for the info. I would visit this place some day.
Insya Allah, Pecel Madiun Bu Pardi can be seen in Trans TV "Jelang Siang" (Pak Wied Harry Bogor) at 10:20am Aug 5, 2009 - Wednesday.
Thanks Aris...!
wah asik infonya neh...
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