So today I bring them back to this place. It’s a small foodstall called ‘warung’, It’s not a fancy restourant at all. You may have to queue to get pak Dobiel ‘special service’. One thing that very interested is because you may go into the backyard to see them how to make suckling pig. It is very unique experience indeed.
Sucking Pig is very popular in Balinese society, like if you talk about “warung tegal” or “Warung Indomie” in Jakarta. Very nice dish at all …………..
It’s located in Jl. Srikandi - Nusa Dua, if you came from BTDC go out from gate next to Novotel Nusa dua you’ll find a cross-road turn left, follow the road, that’s Jl Srikandi and you will find the foodstalll in the right side of the road with small signboard Wr. Babi Guling Sari Dewi/Pak Dobiel.
It’s not a fancy foodstall, just a modest foodstall with several long wooden dining table. And a large glass cabinet which the dish is been placed into it. There is pak Dobiel taking care his customer orders. The special thing is ………. He prepare the dish with his own hands ....... whooaaa!!! Sounds Good isn't it??
One thing that very interesting is the way that they make the Suckling pick it self. Lucky we may seen them grill the pig, and I brough the children to saw it.
kalo babi guling pak haji dobiel ada gak ya? boleh dong :)
makasih yaaa postingnya...
g lagi nyari alamat nya si pak dobiel.. ini babi guling nya sedap abis!!! :))) jaoooo banget lebi enak dr ibu oka punya.. duhh slurrrrrrrppppppp :)
thanks again!
belajar banyak
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