It is not a well known of favorite place to visit, not much people know that somewhere around 40km from Cibubur has this facilities.
I don't remember when exactly we visit this place, perhaps about 6 months ago I can't remember. But it is very interesting place after all. We drove from exit Cibubur long the way to Cianjur. Actually this is alternative road to puncak, but I think not too much people want to use this route. Its look like we drove into nowhere place, the road seems never end.
Finally we arrived to the gate, there's a humble wooden signboard "Penangkaran Rusa", I turn the car into a 50m rocking road that ended next to Cibeet river. We can't drive any further since the road was ended in a bridge.
We have to take a walk about 1 or 2 km into the woods, before we reach the exact place. It is a nice place, still relatively clean and has several gazeebo just to take a break after about 20 min walk.
The sanctuary it self is about 2 hectre area and has several Deer species like rusa totol (Axis Axis), rusa jawa (Axis Timorensis), and rusa bawean (Axis Kuhlii) about 70 of them.
We may feed them by buying a sweet potatoes chopped into a bin for Rp. 2500,- each, and by the time you enter the cage, those deers will approach you to get the food.
There's an axix deer who called asep that may be regarded as their elder, and he is very frendly and like to be tuch in his neck by people. it is very cute .....
It is a worth place for kids, and before we going back to Jakarta, we spend somtimes to play around in the cibeet river.